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Staff member
Dont forget when you decide on a domain, I'll register it for you and then push it to your account.


Staff member
Ok, since the last domain was a possible contender, I deleted my references to it, so that you can think about it without worrying about someone reading this thread and registering the domain.


Staff member
Ok Ill keep thinking of new ideas.
So you want a domain ending in the word soft?


New Member
Doesn't have to be 'soft' a good made up word that will be easy to recognize is good.

I've been looking through expired domains for the past hour or so, they all suck..


Staff member
There are usually good ones that are on hold, but once they eventually expire if they do, they go up on auction and end up costing a few thousand dollars.


Staff member
Some I have had from the old days when I paid like 7 bucks for, and some I have paid a lot of money for....
Put it this way, I spend every cent that comes in...


Super Moderator
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Chroder said:
It doesn't have to have 'soft' or 'ware' in it, I just want a name that flows and sounds good. Like a name that is distinct, that you would remember... Hard to think of those ><
you already have one of those in your sig, even if you don't want to use it for that.

i wish i could find a domain that i really liked and sparked a good idea that kept me motivated. kinda like ai-designs.com once did. i still like that name, but i let it expire after changing continents and then i kinda lost interest in the concept of the site. it's a shame really since i had a good thing going there.


Super Moderator
Staff member
alright, so what exactly will this company of yours be making... software? well what kind and what for? this might help me a bit of finding something that might work for you.

so, whatever happened to "vibe"? that was a good brand idea you had going there as well. :)


Super Moderator
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ok, i'm curious... you haven't posted anything, yet you are permanently online at thiese forums, chroder? you just hanging out waiting for the first best opportunity to rake up some more posts? you already surpased ian. :D


Staff member
waiting for the first best opportunity to rake up some more posts? you already surpased ian. :D
What the ......
gotta post so i can check out my post count.


New Member
alright, so what exactly will this company of yours be making... software? well what kind and what for? this might help me a bit of finding something that might work for you.
Yes, software. I mostly just want a name to release anything that I could ever make, though I think I'll eventually get around to making an actual product.
so, whatever happened to "vibe"? that was a good brand idea you had going there as well.
I still like ViBE but there's no domains :p
ok, i'm curious... you haven't posted anything, yet you are permanently online at thiese forums, chroder? you just hanging out waiting for the first best opportunity to rake up some more posts? you already surpased ian.
Hmm must have missed this post :p


New Member
softbird? softbyrd? why soft? its so un-you... unless you'd prefer stodyfingers.com or something like that that flows and people would remember

best to do a neural mind-mapping brainstorming a la Tony Buzan or similar don't cha think? As to domains... I don't ever see webmeisters contented with just 1 domain.. ever.

Seriously Chroder dotCom is a brilliant domain name... what more could you want? a product/brand for your new software? It'll come...




New Member
vibecrew reminds me of a pack of uniformed men in a ...... waiting to be....
i'm hearing a "soft" tune picking up, and it sounds something like YMCA :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
LMAO!!! :D

yeah... i was just trying to suggest that a combination of terms including "vibe" might be a worth while try. that was just the first one that came to mind... i am usually having to think up names for automotive related groups.
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