where do you want to live?

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New Member
I'd like to live a little abit closer to the City (Melbourne)
But not to close, I really couldn't live in the inner suburbs, it's to built up for me!


New Member
Where do you prefer to live?
The City Or the Countryside?
Personally I want to live in the countryside, I'm a nature lover!
How about you, where do you want to live?


Love being on the countryside, love the nature, the cool breeze it produces, peace and serenity the place offers.


New Member
I prefer the countryside, but for now I want to live in the city, there's so much opportunity there and work available.


I prefer to live in the countryside cause in the city are becoming more busy, polluted, congested and so noisy and the environment itself seems tensed and stressed.


New Member

It depends. As long as my loved ones are with me, it doesn't matter where we live. I like the city more, however. It's where you can find the best shops. You could see almost everything there. Even though the most beautiful places are not really seen there, it's fine because you can still go to these places whenever you want.


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I love the City I am from Boston but where I would love to live would be somewhere beachy maybe florida or Hawaii


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I want to live in Tokyo, Japan because you can find all the nicest gadget there and I heard that the place is really clean.


New Member
I would like to live in the country some day. Much cheaper and less noisy, at least in the states. The actual country/nation I am not certain of, I'm thinking something like NZ with a lush, beautiful surrounding. Just a dream...


New Member
My dream place has always been London but I don't think I could still live there since the expenses is very much expensive so all will just be a dream..


New Member
Of course in the city even I grew up in a country side. I know to myself how I enjoyed living the city wherein you can be accesible in any things you wanted to go.
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