Say It!


New Member
I'm too lazy to have a dog but my neighbour's dog inspired me :)

DLPerry used to pay her ISP by the hour just like I did back in the bad old days.
I use to pay $1/hour for a crawlingly slow dialup connection :)


New Member
If Suz remembers ISP-by-the-hour, Suz may also remember DOS Batch Files -- unless Suz is not quite THAT old. ;)

My first ever 'website' was done entirely in DOS batch files. :eek:


New Member
Yes I'm growin up (and possibly sideways but anyway.. ) I remember the DOS days but I can't even imagine what making a site would have been like.. I guess a lot like using notepad but with funny colours.


New Member
Oh ya... I remember those times - such memories - learning programming sucked then too.

SuZ is a great designer!


New Member
Just learning how to change directories or move a file sucked back then.

Aa exaggerates!!! (Thanks though! :D )


New Member
The old adage "If you don't use it, you lose it" is true in my case. I have forgotten nearly everything. hmm, lesse...

<evil grin>

I do remember making 'control panel screens' for our 'Dumb Terminals' using DOS Batch files.

Different departments used different files/software/etc. so I built screens for each that allowed the end-users to 'click' a title on the control panel screen rather than having to use a command line.

I got pretty creative at making imagery out of acsii characters. And when we got color displays it was even more fun.