Say It!


New Member
stef was bored, so I had to help him get out of his boredom - unfortunately he didn't realise that the person behind the idea has "insanitrinity" in her initials :p


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aa thinks i have much to learn yet, whilst she doesn't realize that we never stop learning, thus, there is always much to be learnt. :p


New Member
stef thinks i need to learn - i don't want to anymore. the more i know the less i know of anything :D


Super Moderator
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that is very close to the truth, but actually, it's the more we know, the more reliaze how little we really do know, as we realize how much there is to be known.

aa... has a lot of 'a's in her name. :p

(don't mind me... i am tired and in a weird mood)


New Member
stef is always in a wierd mode anyways, so don't mind him
hey what happened to the rest of the board? are they less bored than we are?



Super Moderator
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aa has surpast my post count.

no clue where the rest of the members are.... *shrug*


New Member
AainaA said:
stef is always in a wierd mode anyways, so don't mind him
hey what happened to the rest of the board? are they less bored than we are?


(sorry....didn't have a change to get onl internet connection....hiks)

aa is half indonesian. :)

Chroder always make me want to taste those "ice-caps" ^yummy^ :p


Staff member
pipit is a master bridge player
Yeah I cant walk past a starbucks now without wanting to walk in and get an ice cappacino.


Opera/Firefox on Debian
Staff member
Ian is going to lose a certain bet... for sure.

I can't help thinking of "Battlestar Galactica" when I hear "Starbucks".


Staff member
[tab] just thinks he will win the bet.
When I hear Starbucks, I think how American.......I wonder if they have one in eastgardens?


Super Moderator
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i wish they had one here, a starbucks that is. :)

ian is taking over planet internet! :eek:

and he is going to name it bob! :D lol, just had the end of titan a.e. in mind. :p


New Member
Ian needs a vacation, [tab] needs a cuddle, Z needs a frappucinno {try Rhumba, with cream - they're deeeeeeeeeeelicious!!} and Pipit is a dame who plays hands like an engineer. :D

We're all from the latest Internet to hit the WWW - Ian is still deciding on the brand :)


Super Moderator
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no car = no frappocinno, cappucinno or expresso for me. :(

ian hopes that the posts regarding his plans for taking over the ianternet will be considered a joke by his competition.

[tab]... well nothing new there, as his laziness has kept him from actually doing anything.

pipit recieves my best wishes for life after college.

chroder has disappeared in never never lan with dave.

aa is probably hungry, no later than after reading this post by me. :p


Super Moderator
Staff member
oh, and i had dinner at my parents house at 6:30 pm and then went and ate another dinner from a buffet at the local chinese place at 7:30 pm. now it's midnight and i have a pizza that i am about to eat! :D