indeed...well as mentioned on the "other" thread, I think that aptana is a pretty good option as well. it really comes down to personal preference as well. I've been using dreamweaver since well, forever it seems, and you get used to doing things a certain way.
for me, I love the way I can layout over my 2 screens a really functional workspace. although I use an external ftp program, I have used DW for that in the past as well, which works good enough, for basic sites, but the filemanager, and asset manager is pretty handy. the snippets manager is also good, particularly when there is code chunks you use often, you can set it up so that it is easy to access, across all sites.
design view sucks donkeys balls, but the live view is a good representation of the webpage. I can run browsershots right out of the box, and access the adobe exchange thingy through it. and as also mentioned one of my clients, whom I subcontract to has about 35 websites, all of which are through Business catalyst...I can totally bypass the CMS altogether with DW and edit live pages as I see fit. I can make changes in an editor which is not a crappy online wysiwyg editor (which BC is) and see the results instantly. no need for copy/paste/ftp/blah...
but as I said, its all about preference, and for nearly 10 years this has been my editor of choice. I could go on about its features, but I'm certain that the same features are to be found in aptana, or similar, and you could probably write pages on why its better. but again that will come down to preferences. and for me, to get a licence through work for all of cs5 to use at home I couldnt pass it up....and we get upgrades for hell cheap (so that means that not only are we upgrading DW, but the rest of the package as well...which can only be a good thing.)