Internet Explorer Vs Firefox

Internet Explorer or Firefox?

  • Firefox

    Votes: 70 92.1%
  • Internet Explorer

    Votes: 6 7.9%

  • Total voters
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New Member
I use Firefox mainly because of all the plugins, like firebug and the SEO ones, but it is pretty bad on memory. Maybe 3.0 will fix that...


Staff member
on every forum, firefox usually wins the poll, yet more people use IE, and I happen to still prefer IE over firefox.


New Member
on every forum, firefox usually wins the poll, yet more people use IE, and I happen to still prefer IE over firefox.

I think this is because most technical people use firefox, while almost all non-technical people use the browser that is already there on their computer. You don't really find too many technical people on technical forums, so firefox would usually win. From a developer standpoint though, you need to ensure that your site will work in the IEs, especially if you run a commerce site.

I agree that IE7 is a pretty good browser and it does handles its memory much more efficiently than firefox (firefox 3 is supposed to be better.) I couldn't get by without my plugins though and also like the way it works and the open source community.


Staff member
Although I prefer IE over firefox, I had to download firefox today for one particular site that did not work properly in IE. I still dont like firefox.


New Member
I absolutely agree with kiko friendly. Firefox loads faster then Internet explorer. Also mozilla has more useful features. That`s why I prefer Mozilla Firefox!!!


New Member
It's not just the performance of Firefox... It's also the bugs in IE that have to be compensated for(in code) every time a site is created. IE is terrible with CSS, IE6 and earlier inserts a gap between floated and unfloated columns, and let's not forget about the border erase bug.

IE needs to be broken down to the essentials and rebuilt then FF will get a good competition.


New Member
Anyone using IE8 Beta???

I have used it, and it seems very good.

I have messed with it... It's nice to see that Microsoft can comply with W3 Standards...

They stole Mozilla's interface and dumbed it down to make it an actual Microsoft interface, I guess for IE8 they went back and stole the source, too. lol
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