i was hesitant to join Twitter at first, but i’ll have to admit that after a while i began to learn the real value of it as a networking tool. i’ll admit it – i’m very hooked.
there is possible people make a significant sales on Twitter as it is one of social networking that we can connect with our net friends, so people may meet their potential customer as well. Furthermore it help to drive traffic to our site
Tweeter is really good as Social Networking and i think you have to tweet your views in the limited words so all the followers can followed your thoughts.
Twitter is one of the social networking site where you can communicate and tell the whole world your ideas, thought, etc. For other people, it is a good site to gain traffic for their site. Well, I think it really depends upon what is your goal to have a twitter account. Is it mainly for socializing to other people or to gain traffic.
I had employers before and since my job is about promoting, they let me sign in to twitter accounts and I could say why many use this account is because, to promote their site by posting a catchy text and linking it to the website...