What should I move onto next?


New Member

I am relatively new to webdesign/markup languages. I am looking to progress not only in my design/language understanding, but in graphic design as well (though I realize this is a different section on the forums).

I am currently reading HTML and CSS by Jon Duckett. I am wondering what I should move onto after this book. I realize there are free resources online, but I am a book person, and use the tutorials online to support what I am learning in books.

I was wondering if I should pickup Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics by Jennifer Niederst Robins, or should I just move onto something strictly CSS3/HTML5, or move to something like JavaScript or PHP?

Thanks for any help in advance.


.. and subscribe to .NET or Smashing magazine as they give a very good picture of where things are moving


New Member


these are all great books. not outdated and very relevant.

Thanks. Which do you think I should start with? Should I just go through HTML and then CSS? I feel like I have a good grasps on the basics of HTML and CSS, but I have sort of a perfectionist mindset where I want to learn to perfect whatever skill I am working on (which, of course, with art it's relative and not really possible to be "perfect"), so I would probably start with HTML, again.

However, I feel like I need to move onto another language. I'm just not sure if that would be the right, or smart, move at this point.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I cant tell you what one to start with, only you can figure that one out.

but I'd suggest to get the smashing books and start with #1.

then #2, then #3 then #3 1/3

if you've got a "perfectionist" mind then obviously "basics" wont be enough!

if you think you can "learn" all there is to learn with html/css in a short period you're kidding yourself. I certainly would learn the "building blocks" beyond the "basics"

webdev guy

New Member
It wouldn't hurt to learn the basics of several languages before choosing to be an expert in any of them. So, maybe you should (mostly) give html / css a break soon and move onto something more advanced (while retaining knowledge of what you just learned).

since you're a book person you're probably a magazine person as well? .Net is a good magazine if that's what you're into... web developer, Linux Journal, etc. Go to your local bookstore or library and start browsing.