What have you done to keep Earth green?

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New Member
I really appreciate the effort in making this subject possible. This is very much helpful and one way of informing everyone that we should keep our earth as healthy as possible.
For me I don't throw garbage anywhere and I have my own backyard where I could freely plant green leafy vegetables.


New Member
I alwyas turn off the lights when I leave a room. what annoys me is soo many people just don't bother. I've been doign that for years to conserve electricity, and my neighbours leave them on all the time. why do I bother???


New Member
LED lights all around the house. Some get down to 1/10th the watts used for the 'green' CFLs.

I also switched my main 600 watt workstation to a wee lil laptop, 1/3 the energy, 1/3 the performance but who needs 5 GHZ to design a website.


New Member
i hate it when i switch off my lights when i leave a room to save electricty and my neighbour just leaves his lights on all day! what's the point? all the good you do is just undone immediately.


New Member
i hate it when i switch off my lights when i leave a room to save electricty and my neighbour just leaves his lights on all day! what's the point? all the good you do is just undone immediately.

The point is you are doing something. I don't see how you can say what you have done is undone at once from your neighbor.


New Member
I have to say something here. If you are planning to leave the room for more than 15 min, turn off the lights. The power that turns the bulb on uses energy of about 15~20 min lighting time.

This is points to Fluorescent bulbs only.

To read more about this issue i found this article - Energy Saving.


New Member
I recycle, I also recycle the junk people throw out here at work. Yes, I dig through the trash cans and pull out recyclables. It irritates me that people are so selfish and LAZY!!

I also plant trees every spring, Re-use whatever I can, and walk/ride whenever I can. I try to reduce my carbon footprint everyday.

Oh, I also vote for liberals who care to extend the life of our planet.

Lilly Rhode

New Member
In my garden I grow lots of plants and I don’t like throwing garbage everywhere, I think we have to keep our green earth clean.


New Member
Simple things such as those others mention are simple ways to keep mother Earth Green! I also did all those stuff. I know I help our Earth in that simple way! Recycling is one of the best ways to keep Earth Green!


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small tree and a flower? (do you have an exceptionally small backyard?)

my 10m x 10m PAVED courtyard has literally over 150 plants in it, 10 over 6feet and 2 very large fig trees growing out of the wall. First thing I need when I move from here is a larger yard!

Guess I have to "offset" the amount of electricity I use. (although that too comes from a renewables grid) Ironically tho it costs more, so to pay for it, I have to work more, in which case I end up using more electricity, which costs more, and so on and so on.
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New Member
I am not polluting environment by smoking, garbage or any other polluted stuff. I am maintaining a small green garden at home and I add new flowers and small trees to it, I think plantation is the best thing we have to do to keep earth green.


New Member
I try to get rid of plastics and bring a shopping bag instead. I don't use products that have CFCs which might be harmful to the ozone layer. I think as human beings everyone should protect and preserve our environment.
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