What CMS (content managed system) do you use and why?


New Member
I find CuteNews is simple and flexible, and you don't have to completely redesign the site to fit your original design.

I know most people prefer the likes of Joomla and other more powerful CMS's, but I just can't seem to get in the groove with them. I couldn't even get new templates to install.


New Member
Joomla! CMS

Our company uses Joomla CMS for nearly all of our jobs. We looked into other CMS applications like WordPress and Drupal but came to the conclusion that we were going to use Joomla.

Our reason for using Joomla was that it's easy for our clients to use. We felt it was important for our clients to have as little of a learning curve as possible and Joomla seemed to do what we need it to. Joomla also gives you more features "out of the box" than the other CMS applications we have tried and with companies like RocketTheme and YooTheme creating very good templates, you can provide quality websites with little graphic design experience. I do however, strongly feel that websites should be custom.

Customizing Joomla (as in creating your own CUSTOM templates) is a little bit of a challenge at first but if you have good knowledge of conditional PHP statements, xHTML, and CSS you shouldn't have too much of a problem working with Joomla!

I will say this - Wordpress is the de-facto standard if you want to have a powerful blog.

You may hear people say, "Drupal is better because more enterprise websites use it" or "Joomla is better because it's easier" or "WordPress has more SEO features" etc...Don't take other people's word for it. Try them all until you feel comfortable working with one. Just don't fall for the B.S. that some have better SEO features than the other ones...That's not true.
They may have more features for SEO but you'll find that most plugins/modules do not work as well as human knowledge of SEO and I have seen #1 rankings on almost every CMS used.

Hope this helps!
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New Member
Thanks for replies, @conor any particular reason you use 4 or 5, I would think that it is hard to maintain one, although I know wordpress is more for blogs really, so I guess depends on needs, joomla, do you guys use for e-commerce, I am thinking that if a client wanted a site then an e-commerce version then that would be a good way?


New Member

Good question. You are right that it would be easier to stick with one. The reason I use so many is because I do quite a lot of free-lance work.

Basically I used to design with Wordpress. Then I moved on to doing some work with Joomla! Then I built my own CMS called Furasta. Now I have finally standardised my projects. All new projects I make use Webme. I have a copy of the Webme Multi User Interface which allows me to, at the click of a button, buy a domain, set up the domain, install the CMS and set up all the configuration. This is all done automatically so it would only take a few seconds to do it!

But yes if you are starting don't jump in to stuff like I did. Try and explore and find one that you are comfortable with. With that said you will always find something better at some stage!


New Member

I use Joomla quite often, it is something I'm very comfortable with. I know one major web design company has their site running from Drupal. Joomla has a lot of users and developers to continually improve it.

My customers love Joomla as well, don't see me changing for quite some time.