Website - laptop display


New Member
When my website is viewed on a laptop, the width changes forcing my navigation row to wrap onto the next line. It used to look okay but I must have "tweaked" something and it now appears wrapped. Can't figure out what I did.

On a desktop, the site displays correctly.


New Member
Upon doing an initial review,

The wrapper with class "TopNavigation" has a width of 900px while your <ul> with id "nav" has a width of 95%.

It could be that the 95% is not sufficient to your menu size when viewed on other browsers, operating systems or screen resolution. Have you tried to make it 100%?


New Member
Thanks for the suggestion. I changed it to 100% but it is still wrapping. Any other ideas?


New Member
Have you tried increasing the 900px width?

Try to check the margins and paddings inside your navigation. You might want to check the <li> and <a> margins and paddings as well.