Webpage within a webpage...


New Member
I would like to embed this : http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/?mforum=dlife
within one of my webpages. I mean by this, is to have the page, and have that page within the textfield. I know this can be done, just can;t seem to get the code right... I used this:

<object data=http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/?mforum=dlife width="600" height="400"> <embed src=http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/?mforum=dlife width="600" height="400"> </embed> Error: Embedded data could not be displayed. </object>

but it did not work...?


New Member
you might want to use <iframes>.

be careful you may be publishing someone's copyrighted content on your site without permission.


New Member
Or use a frames page, link to the site in question, and set it to show up in a specified frame. Plus listen to rimian, you don't want to do that without permission.