Webdesigner [paying] help wanted


Super Moderator
Staff member
dave is totally right, please use proper dummy text.

a few things
you should give your wrapper a width.

dont use position:fixed;
dont use z-index unless you really need to( and for your site you dont!)
dont position using top right etc, just let it flow...

I'm going to have a bit of a look through your css now. get back to you soon.


Super Moderator
Staff member
<ul><li><a href="#">[MAIN] </a><a href="#">[GAMES] </a><a href="#">[DEV] </a><a href="#">[FILES] </a><a href="#">[ELSE]</a></li></ul>

should be
<li><a href="#">[MAIN] </a></li>
<li><a href="#">[GAMES] </a></li>
<li><a href="#">[DEV] </a></li>
<li><a href="#">[FILES] </a></li>
<li><a href="#">[ELSE]</a></li>

use pixels tutorial to style your menu



New Member
I'm still working on this and would like some more feedback and help.

My major issue at the moment is that I can't get the content layer to sit nicely under the menus and headers at the top of the page. When I zoom in and out, that part of the page becomes hidden under the top part.

Also, I'm having trouble figuring out how to use backgrounds in the CSS files. When I use "style="background-image:url(_img/bghead.jpg)" in the HTML file with in the div tag, it works, but when I use "background-image:url(_img/bghead.jpg);" in the CSS file, it doesn't. I'm following the references found here - http://webdesign.about.com/od/beginningcss/p/aacss7bg.htm

I still haven't done anything with the content area of the page so there's no need to bother telling me about text.

And finally, I am still willing to pay for somebody's time to help me get this done much quicker!



New Member
Well I guess I seemed to have fixed those problems by myself, the content is no longer hiding under the top parts.

I will fiddle with the content layout a bit more, but I feel confident about that so I will leave that for some spare time and I'd like to now focus on a menu system, which is something I have no idea where to begin with. I like the idea of the hovering menu at the top, it makes a lot of sense to me even though it might not look as nice. Ideally I'd like a drop-down menu with (optional) side submenus, MS-Windows style, because the site has those 3 layers -> area>project>details.

If anyone has some easy tutorials that would achieve what I'm after, I'd appreciate the URLs.

One more question I have for now is about compatibility. I always check how it zooms and make sure I'm not screwing up the basic text view, every step I take, but I wonder if there are some other things I should be checking to make sure compatibility doesn't get harmed. Some online tools maybe?


Here's a more detailed view of the site areas and what the menu would need to deal with:-

...- home
...- news
...- team
...- forum
...- project1
.....- info
.....- screenshots
.....- videos
.....- downloads
...- project2
.....- info
.....- screenshots
.....- videos
.....- downloads
.- DEV
...- project3
.....- info
.....- screenshots
.....- videos
.....- downloads
...- project4
.....- info
.....- screenshots
.....- videos
.....- downloads
.....- demos
.....- videos
.....- wallpaper
.....- misc
.....- resources
.....- renders
.....- links
Last edited:


New Member
I'm still interested in getting paid help and technical crticism. Why does nobody wants my monies... :(