web address help


New Member
Hi I'm new!!

...and I've got a dilema!

I'm trying to start out on my own as photographer. My friend has put together a website for me in flash.... www.dc-photographic.co.uk
My problem is that I want to also get a sideline going aswell promoting myself as a wedding photographer. I wanted to have the website for that as www.dc-photographic.co.uk/weddings but my friend can only get it to come out as www.dc-photographic.co.uk/weddings.htm

Is there anything anyone can do to help me and my friend get rid of this .htm to make my web address look more professional?

My biggest thanks....



New Member
...or is there a link that will send me in the right direction???

Hi I'm new!!

...and I've got a dilema!

I'm trying to start out on my own as photographer. My friend has put together a website for me in flash.... www.dc-photographic.co.uk
My problem is that I want to also get a sideline going aswell promoting myself as a wedding photographer. I wanted to have the website for that as www.dc-photographic.co.uk/weddings but my friend can only get it to come out as www.dc-photographic.co.uk/weddings.htm

Is there anything anyone can do to help me and my friend get rid of this .htm to make my web address look more professional?

My biggest thanks....
