User Sub-folders


New Member
I'm working on a site for someone and need functionality that many large sites have which is a sub-folder automatically generated based on a username. For example on Flickr if your username is user1 then going to goes to your photos.

Does anyone know how exactly that's handled? I've considered scripts to create the folder, index file, etc. I've also considered (probably the worst idea) letting it fall to the 404 error page and having a script within it that checks the url and if a matching username is found, it dynamically builds the page and keeps the url up there.


New Member
You can create a folder for a username as soon as the user registers for that name.

For example a user with username ABC registers

you create a folder called ABC and copy an index.php file to that folder.

then his images are moved to that folder as he uploads them.

the index.php for his folder finds the images and display them.