The Myths of Search Engine Optimization

Many companies are struggling with the frustration of
improved search engine placement. After considerable
investments in their web sites, they are often
disillusioned by the results they are getting from the
work of the search engines. Everyone wants to be
closer to the top of the list in their keyword categories
and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has quickly
become a crowded marketplace. While there are a
number of apparent approaches to this problem, many
of them miss the mark on providing real and lasting

Concerned marketing directors and IT managers
around the world are being deluged with ideas on how
to improve their search engine placement, and there is
a lot of money being wasted on some of these mythical
silver bullets. Let's take a look at why some approaches
don't work.

One of the most common falsities within the SEO
industry is the "One Shot Deal" solution. This is
probably the biggest misconception marketers face
when researching search engine marketing
opportunities. Because the search engines are
constantly changing their ranking criteria, whatever you
do today will have to be redone or continued over time.
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I'd agree with what you're saying. That's why we don't even bother with submitting to SEO companies and instead opt to continually build the website and any links to it. Just building a website, doing a one shot submission and sitting back expecting results does not work over any period of time.