Strategies to stick your visitors to your website


New Member
I am thinking about these strategies:

1.- Website Design, Make sure you have a very nice website design, clean, soft, fresh and eye-catchy.

2.- Quality content on your website, if you have a Blog, Newsletter, etc you need to update it with quality content, something that will be useful for your visitors and members, they will want to share it.

3.- Eye-cathy links and banners, that way you will invite your visitors to browse interesting pages with fresh content on your website.

4.- Polls, it is another nice way to make your visitors stay on your website

5.- Website Loading, make sure it always loads fast!. Nobody will stay on a website that takes more than 2 seconds to open properly. Time is gold, people will not want to waste it waiting for your website to load.

6.- Be clear, You need to be very specific about the services that you offer in your website, if a visitor gets confused, he/she will leave immediately.

7.- Bookmark Us Link, Create a bookmark us link, that way your visitors will be able to add your website to their favorites.

8.- Spelling, Make sure your spelling and grammar is good.

I can think of these strategies at the moment, if you guys have more don't hesitate to comment.


New Member
In an effort to get their website up the rankings I think a lot of people forget that they need visitors to stay on their site and design the site for SEO rather than for the visitors.

But then I think others are guilty of the opposite - not giving enough thought to SEO during the design and ending up with a website with very little content, for example.

SEO and web design are about getting the right balance between designing a site that is optimised for the search engines while having a site that is useful for visitors. There is no point being top of the search engines if no-one will stay on the site, and there is no point having a great site that nobody can find.