Since SEO is up, I gotta 'nother question. Would it be a good idea for Elect to reupload all the old .html files but with a 301 permanent redirect in each pointing to their corresponding .php replacements?
Now I need to go back and rethink my footer navigation too. I always assumed the reason why other sites did that was to make it easier for visitors when the page was long, just like how some simply have a "return to top" link, and the reason that sites like MySpace had all that extra junk in the footer was because they were trying to be even more helpful because their site was so big and complex. But it seems footer navigation makes you look shady to the crawlers. Quite honestly, the only time I was ever concerned about SEO was when I found out search engines grabbed random content from my site for the little blurb under the link on the results page. My only focus then was to have a proper description tag so it'd make more sense to what 3-5 people ever search for it.
To be able to give each page a different <title> and meta description, you should use the latter method.
You can still have unique titles, descriptions, meta keywords, and anything else by using echoes on the template file and assigning a value to the corresponding $thingies on the body file before "include template". No different than how echoing $content works.
It's just a matter of which way your lazy falls. You can use quite a few files and avoid the apostrophe/quote problem, or you can only worry about two files (three, counting the stylesheet) per page but watch your apostrophes and quote marks. Contact forms with PHP involved get mighty interesting the second way.
(I know it's hard to take somebody serious who uses words like "thingie". Just go with it.
