actually its simple to cook it you know... even the pasta is easy to create. Albeit SuZ has loads of experience there.. hmm where is she? Haven't seen her for a long time
A: Schweetie, could you puh-leese pass me the salt
Z: Sure.. oh, but it's... oh there' goes the phone {the salt shaker is near the phone - and A always answer the phone first}
oh you're soooo schweet.. besides, there's the door bell now. I bet its Georgie our patisserie guy downstairs.. he's always baking these delicious chocolate eclairs - you know the ones you like
meh... it's the best activity this place has had in a while. my arms really aren't all that anymore... i really need to start going to gym or something along those lines.
and me too. I walked quite a distance when i was in abu dhabi... one day. never again shall i walk in the hot sun of abu dhabi.. its crazy.. you don't see people on bikes there.. they're all spoilt with their german made cars