Now, if I understood you spiel in your article, you are saying that I should link build with sites in that same kind of format in order to help bring traffic to my site?
Sort of, the principle is, as
Phreaddee said, to consider links for what they are, promotion and marketing rather than trying to guess if they will help with rankings. That way you cut out the guess work and the hope factor.
Don't get hung up with the "most important keywords" and getting links only to your root url (home page). Point your links to the URL you want traffic to and the anchor text is your "call to action", there is nothing inherently wrong with using "Click here" as the anchor text. It sends an unequivocal message to the reader of what you want them to do. You need to tell them what to do and what they will find there in one sentence.
Human beings are very easily distracted from the task at hand, so you only have a few seconds to get, keep and
direct their attention. Studies has shown that you have about seven to ten seconds to get a users attention and push them down your conversion path, called a 'funnel' in marketing speak.
The goal is to show that you know what they want and how they can get to it in as few words as possible is. So:
This is how you professionally repair deep scratches in your car's paint" is far too long, by the time they have read it, their mind has drifted off to the next more interesting bit.
Click here for
deep scratch repair.
It takes less than two seconds to read and to
understand what you are telling them. The bolding has put emphasis on what they want and the "click here" has already planted the idea of what they should do about it. You have done that in under the seven second mark.
Off tack slightly, the reason I tend to be scathing about the usual generic "advice" is that the people who spread it around are not marketers or optimisers, they are mainly Adsense 'beggars' who's only goal is for mass traffic from anywhere regardless of whether it converts or not.
For your needs you don't need 'more traffic' per se. You need
better traffic.