School project - Question


New Member

I'm gonna try to explain my problem..
For a big school project, I have to design a website for a orthodontic. I need to ask a ''research-question/main question'' with a couple of ''subquestions'' to create the project.

For example:

Main question:
''How can I design a website for an orthodontic.''

''Where does a webdesigner needs to pay attention to?''
''Which software can I use for designing a website?''

With the help of the ''subquestions'' you can answer the main question.
The problem is really that I dont have a good main question.
The only thing I have now is:
''How can I design a website for an orthodontic?''

But I dont really like this one because it has the ''how'' in it. Which is not really used in the assignment.
I got another one which seems better:
''Where does a webdesigner have to pay attention to while designing a website?''

Is there something else that is better then this one? I can't seem to be getting a good one. :(

Please sorry for my bad English.. :(

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!