Question on key words placement


New Member
I just read an article that said Google will deduct points if you stuff the key words in a site. Okay, I don't have a problem with that but can you put key words HTML in pages linked to within your site?

And just to be clear: the key words that are in HTML must/should pretain to your general category. Right?

Like mine, studios would relate tow hat I do. Mack trucks wouldn't and if Google catches it, well, down in the rankings I go. Right?

But, do the/should the key words in HTML be included in the narrative of your site? On the pages within my site that I link to (say Script Samples), could they have key words embedded?

e.g. - I don't know exactly how that works.


Staff member
That article probably referred to those really obvious ways, where you see sites with all of those really small words down the bottom of the page, which serve no genuine purpose other than to stuff the page with keywords, quite often they are in a text which is the same color as the background so that you cant see them. If you design your site with genuine related content, hopefully things should be alright. though with google, sometimes you never know. I am still trying to sort out some problems with google.


New Member
I'm with ian, it's probably the one's who are trying to cheat the system, or at least that's what've I've gotten with the reading I've done


New Member

Kiwiberry said:
I'm with ian, it's probably the one's who are trying to cheat the system, or at least that's what've I've gotten with the reading I've done

I just wish they'd spell out what the rules are. Maybe I'd just better leave mine the way it is and find some other way to promote it.


New Member
Google has a Terms of Service page and pretty much tell you what's kosher and what's not. My thoughts are that right now you can get away with just about anything and Google won't care but someday they might start caring about search engines again and woe to those who don't adher to the rules before Google finds out. The other major search engines have similar rules and similar attitudes. Personally, I think it's better to be safe than sorry sometime in the possibly near future.


New Member
google is a site killer
you can be higly ranked in MSN and Yahoo and whatever SE and you are not even listed in Google due to some stupid reasons
you may spent lot of time before even know it


New Member
SEO by the book

Doing things by the book works in the long run. Google do an article about googlebots and how they rate and seo.htm.

Do you have detailed stats, so you can see where individual visitors come from?
It turns up very useful surprises (e.g. ranked no.1 out of 18,000,000 on a Yahoo search - my google page rank for that page is 1).



New Member
Off the topic a little, but I've had a lot more success with google since I created a sitemap.xml file my site has been up less than 2 months and Googlebot is there at least once a week and sometime two. I also registered my sitemap.xml with google at:

You can setup a script to submit your sitemap every week or month or just when the content changes. Good luck!


New Member
High rankings in Google is all about the in bound links to your site with relevant link text pointing to your site. It helps if the links come from sites with the same keyword theme or context. It's hard to do but not impossible.