Please Review

d a v e

New Member
interesting colours - nice, but the laptop screen looks a little out of place colour-wise

would prefer a centred layout to the slightly odd looking left aligned

no indication of hover on links

hardly anyone puts validation stickers on their site anymore: clients don't understand or care. other designers think it generally looks a bit sad, and a transitional dtd isn't so much to shout about anyway :)

no h1??


New Member
Dave is right. Change the laptop to something new and nice, center the page, do CPR to your menu it looks dead; maybe hover will do the job, and get rid of the validation or put it at the very bottom of the page.

Overall you website looks OK, all what i have mentioned is to make it look awesome. ;)


New Member
Nice design overall and many sites are left aligned and look good. I guess you could change it but that could be time consuming. Validation is nice and maybe shows some attention to detail but it's not the holy grail that it once was :)