Please review site - v2 with funky alien interface


New Member
I like the design, but you have a lot of spelling errors, so I would suggest running your content through a spell checker.

On the services page, since you have so many different services, I would list them at the top of the page and create links so people could click on them to find out more about your services, but could still just scroll down and check out the text if wanted too.


Staff member
I don't like the exclamation mark above the UFO on the main page.


New Member
Oh, no, the exclamation point is actually important to the message, from my perspective. It indicates an element of surprise on the part of the aliens, which works for me.

Nice choice of type. Like the color scheme. Though, for me, your <strong> spec is too close to your link text. Particularly in the second paragraph, the blue text items look like links.

Best of luck to you.
