Page Layout Help


New Member
Hi I am new to Web Design and I have been making some fairly decent progress, but I am having trouble with this certain aspect that seems like a very simple solution. I am making a links bar on the top of the page just like the one on this page (ie. User CP, FAQ, Community, Calendar, New Posts, etc) but the links keep stacking up vertically. How can I make it so that they are displayed in a row?


New Member
There are a couple of ways to do it, here are two:

li {display:inline}

li {float:left}



New Member
do this.

if you want to take them horizontally then they should be part of one row.
if your web site is in table then you can do that in following manner.
<tr><td>first detail</td><td>second details</td> <td> third detais</td>
they will be in row.

if your website is in <div> element then i am unable to help you.