New Search Engine DuckDuckGo


New Member
I think it is just another search engine out there who have tried yet unable to reach big market of search engine users. New ones should serve something much useful or interesting and really needs big budget to advertise it, Bing did it yet unable to catch bigger users.


New Member
I just visited and looks like it is good.
The results are really relevant and it even shows the websites that aren't displayed on google! Interesting...


New Member
I tried it out and I quite like it. I'm not sure why I'm still using Google? Habit maybe? It's very simple and I like the fact that I didn't see any advertising on it. That's a definite plus I think.



New Member
I used to prefer Google when it was less cluttered.

Now it's just too much (for me anyway). Instant Preview. Instant Search. Left Navigational tab. Too much.

A better approach would have been modules. For example. Announce that such and such is available. And let the user switch it on (Like plugins in Firefox).

But Google does not offer even the reverse! No way of Switching things Off!

Anyway that is personal opinion. I am not way anti-google, I love their gmail service and google map. They've done a brilliant job. Plus many other things.

But the search itself - really wished it was super-simple like before, when they first started.


New Member
That search engine does seem nice but like stated before they are almost undoubtedly never going to have the budget and power to build a competitive amount of users. I have a love hate problem with Google. I love them because I feel they are the most able to give me actually relevant results and I hate them cause I feel they hate to much control over the internet. What are ya gonna do.


Staff member
I dont use the website, I still use google, but I saw an interview with the creator of the site, yes it was done by one person, and he is an incredibly smart person, a true genius, with a very successful track record as well.


New Member
It is a funny name. Also it is powered by Bing and Yahoo which is interesting why not just use them? I guess the advertising is less cluttered?