need wp design resources


New Member
Hello friends,
I have finished learning html and css. The books i have studied for learning html are
1. sams teach your html and css in 24 hours.
2. html and css webdesing.
3. css the missing manual.

i have some knowledge about js and jquery as well. Now i want to learn wp theme design and customizing. can anybody tell me about the resources where i could learn wp theme design and customizing. I mean not developing from root. just editing and customizing a theme as i want.


New Member

You could also look at the video2brain Series, they have a course on WordPress which covers a lot of information. In my opinion its for new users as well as professionals who are looking to expand their knowledge on the software.

I used this video training to learn enough about the software to install it, add templates, install plugins and content plus the updating of the websites when a new version comes out.