need help with a javascript function


New Member
I created a javascript function that resizes an iframe to fit whatever the contents size is. The problem is, it only resizes the contents on the first page load, or if the link that reloads the iframe comes from within the frame. I have a flash menu that is outside the frame, but if I click a link from there it sets the frame to a default height that doesn't allow all the content to be seen.

Since I can use flash to call a javascript function instead of a URL, I'm trying to create a function that will load the new content into the iframe, and then call on the resize function to resize the frame aftewards. The problem is, I don't know how to create a command that will load another page into the iframe. Does anybody know how to call another page inside a javascript function, and specify it to load into the frame by name or id?


New Member
I like the ajaxify plugin for jQuery ~ makes this stupid simple, though I rewrote the script to open content based on the 'rel' attribute rather than 'target', since the latter is deprecated html...