need advice on graphic design


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Staff member
look this is how it is.

the design is fundamentally flawed because you are wanting white on white. I honestly cannot think of anything sillier. if the image is your drawcard to invite visitors to use your site, then you'd better go back to design school, because its not the greatest image. and doesnt tell me anything at all about your business. no amount of sugarcoating will evade this fact.

you need to read up on WCAG,
read up on page layout and design too.

incorporate the image into the design, but dont make it your design.

d a v e

New Member
Phreaddee hit the nail on the head while i was merely hinting there might be such a thing in the room. thnx Phreaddee :)


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Our Nonprofit Website Solution includes a variety of integrated online tools and services designed to meet the needs of non-profits. From non-profit website design and web publishing tools, web marketing, and more, we have everything a non-profit needs to maintain a professional website and start building capacity quickly and easily.


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@sarahstanley7, @jalegre

an SEO company is clearly not a "not for profit" so this is just irrelevant spamming of a thread.

secondly you should learn how to build a website first before offering to make them for someone else. namely doctype, incorrect usage of tables, inline styles, extraneous tags (and closing tags which have no opening).

also if you want to spam forum posts, at least be subtle and put your link in your signature...properly!