My first website... Please help


New Member
Don't have a background. Just use white and concentrate on the information. Content over style. See

Jeez, that's one fugly site ;)
I definitely agree about the white background though. That alone will make the site much easier on the eyes. I would also like to see the animated .gif disappear, 'cause at 24 frames it just looks like it's skipping out of tune. :)


Staff member
when i see a brand name like triad, I immediately thing of the triad gangsters.
In my opinion, not a good choice of name, also people wont trust the black website for a tablet, something they will ingest which requires a lot of trust.


New Member
I think the whole top area is too big to be taken seriously. Most successful sites do not use a massive logo, the fonts are bold and don't look right to me.

The company name, tins are way too many and too big. Testimonials does not need that tin above them and you really need to change that text to black as white text just is not recommended.

The guide is just too hard to read.. keep the top that's fine but change the bottom to white background - black text.

Keep in mind.. it's not what you like that really counts.. it's what works that counts ;)


New Member
I visited your website and come to know that this is a herbal related site so i think you should change the back ground color, font size should be small and the top area of the home page is too big so you can modify all these thing.


New Member
I think it looks good for a first site... I would consider using Wordpress and customizing a theme instead of building it all from scratch.


New Member
Too many graphics and too large graphic files. The website is slooooow loading and there are way too many herbal sites out there for anyone to spend that much time waiting on yours to load.

Bold text everywhere. Why?

The text is crowded up against the edge. You need to add some padding.

The heading is too large. It takes up a third of my screen.

I don't particular care for the black background. In fact, the whole site is a little dark for me. I would think a softer approach would be better for selling herbal stuff.


New Member
I'm not digging the black background, doesn't suit your product. And the over-all color choices are too dark and harsh; get rid of the gray. If you're going for a clean look try white. It just opens the site up and helps your eye to focus on the content where as black makes you feel like the page is closing in... idk if that makes sense. lol Also, the text shouldn't be bold. I don't like the mixture of different fonts either.

But for your first site, GOOD JOB!
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