Load content from external file


New Member
Hi all.

I was just wondering how I could go about using external txt files as the holders of the information for a website?

I am probably going to be making a website for my footy club, but I won't be maintaining it. I will show them how to, but what I would like is for them to only have to edit .txt files. This way they can't really muck with the layout or anything, just the content itself. Alot of the information will be set, like the About The Club page and all that, they won't need to change that. But for parts of the website showing upcoming events and anything else I come up with while I'm making it, I'd like them to be able to edit in a txt file.

Is there a way I could do this?



New Member
HTML? Look into iframes.
Just be sure to set any links contained inside the frame to open in parent window or a new window.

You could also use some kind of CMS. Try google for more info.
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