ifram bottom scroll bar again


New Member
iframe bottom scroll bar

I'm designing a website that uses iframe for some of the content. I've built the iframe and I get scroll bars both on the right and bottom. I want the one on the right to stay but I don't want the bottom one. I've tried the scrolling="no" attribute and it takes all the scroll bars away. I've seen other iframes that have no bottom scroll bar and I cannot figure out how it's done...

Any suggestions are most welcome!

In short, you need your content to be no wider than the iframe you are putting into, if the content is 200 px wide for arguements sake, you need your content to be about 192 px max for no horizontal scrolling.

Take Care, Shaun.


New Member
In order to limit the width of the content loading into the iframe it should be contained within a <div> within the source page with the <div> width set to a little less than the width of the iframe this is how the effect is achieved in the example you specified. Right click the content of the iframe on that site and select view source and you'll see what I mean.