IE br tag between 2 img tags not working


New Member
Ok so despite having a very clear div box telling my content not to display outside its confines, and despite having a very clear LINE BREAK tag between 2 image tags, the latest version of IE (I'm on Vista 64 bit) still insists on displaying these 2 images next to each other. the link is

If you want to see how it is supposed to look, check it out in Firefox. If you want to see the problem, check it out in IE. If someone could tell me how to fix this problem, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks guys.


New Member
by latest I assume you mean IE7? Also which pics are having the issue? I am work and only have access to IE6 but would like to try and help you out as best I can.


New Member
hi, thanks
ie 7.0.6001

it's the image of the database and image of god and adam right underneath. does it display properly in ie6? because that would be a good sign.


New Member
It does not dispaly correctly and honeslty I have no idea why. It's strange. Your code looks perfectly fine. The
<br />
is perfectly legit with the doctype you've chosen. Your site validates with the exception of a few missing alt="" attributes on your images which would not cause this craziness.


New Member
One thing I could suggest is to put those images in an unordered list and position them with css using

<li><img align="left" src="images/biblebeam.jpg" /></li>
<li><img align="left" src="images/godadam.jpg" /></li>

#page_intro ul{
     dispaly: block;

#page_intro li {
     list-style: none;

That should display them the way you want. In the mean time I will continue to see what's up with the weird line break issue.


New Member
that didn't work, even when I kept the line break tags in (and yes, I even fixed your misspell.)

thanks for your help though, i appreciate it and it was a good idea.


New Member
this is by far not the best solution but try adding like 3 more break tags after your first image or less for less of a space between images.


New Member
it looks like IE puts the break tag at the top of the image, as opposed to the bottom in other browsers. I can add a bunch more break tags, but it will completely destroy the layout in every other browser.


New Member
Yeah break tags are not the best way to accomplish this. Once I get home from work I will have better resources to look into this. Maybe someone else can offer some help in the mean time. I have about an hour left until I leave work.


New Member
i think it has something to do with the align attribute and IE is reading the line break from the top of the image, not the bottom. the align attribute is specifically for word wrapping so all that together sort of makes sense to me, but there should still be a way to have control over your images in this case.