How to enhance my PHP development skill and also start learning .NET to get into it?


New Member
I am in the PHP development with basic development skill. I want to enhance my skill to master level and also want to start learning .NET to become good .NET developer too. What are the good ways, available resources, good books and other thing that you can suggest me to start with?


New Member
There's plenty of PHP tutorials out there, Sams Learn PHP, Apache, and MySQL In 24 Hours is pretty good, I just never stayed awake long enough to get all the way through it. I find .NET much more stimulating.

For learning .NET, you'll have to decide what language you want to develop in. There's
Visual Basic,
C++, and
C# (C Sharp).

Each of the links above will take you to the MSDN Developer centers for each language where you can find training material.