How to become a good web site designer?


New Member
To be a good web designer you must have some knowledge like html,css,java script etc.The sad fact is that most Web designers have spent a lot more time learning HTML and how to use Dreamweaver than they have learning anything about white space and creating a design that flows.


New Member
I also like to learn web developing but how to start---

Step 1: Uninstall any version of Adobe/ Macromedia Dreamweaver with haste.

Now download templates and view the sources of websites featured on the likes of Site Inspire to learn modern standards.

Play, play and play - then copy and paste parts to familiarise yourself with the structure, code, etc. Quackit has some good basic tutorials for PHP, CF, JS. CodeAcademy is pretty epic for JS - I think it offers other scripting languages, possibly programming too.

Be a boss.


New Member
There is a simple receipe. You have to practice, practice and practice :)
Besides you can try some video courses like Lynda.


New Member
Wrong on all points. To DESIGN you first need some artistic talent.

Knowing how to structure a HTML document does NOT make you a "designer"

Well pointed out. Anyone can call themselves a designer but only few who actually are acting a real one!


New Member
Learn to code using a program like dreamweaver then never open another program except notepad. Graphical output IMO is easier to master because its more fun, but properly coding a website is the real task. Stick to the basics as you are, first. After you've got that down it should be no problem to design a website then put it up. You'll be able to just frame it out in the program you designed it then pull up your notepad next to it and pop out the code.


New Member
There are lots of resources are available to learn web designing.You can learn throw w3school,Google book,Youtube and lots of other way.