How do I add meta tags to my site?


New Member
I've tried it so many times. I know that my site is listed on google, as it comes up when I type "" in Google. Anyways, IDK how to add other keywords.

Would I want to find a general meta tag code, put it onto my site, and wait a couple of days for google to update?

Also, how can I include the entire page as keywords?


New Member
every word on your page is a potential keyword, as far as google is concerned. They index your page, find what they think are the most relevant keywords (from your page title, text, bold words, etc..)

Google ignores your keyword meta tags, the only meta that matters as far as keywords go is your description meta

a meta tag for a description would go like this:

<meta name="Description" content="Your Description goes here"/>

Most search engines now ignore the keywords meta tag because of the potential to abuse it, but if you really want one, use this:

<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1, keword2" />

Don't overdo it with keywords, or your description cause the engines will see this as a spam attempt.

The best way to get listed for the keywords you want is to have these words included in the text links to your site, and then have info about the keywords on your sites pages


New Member
"The best way to get listed for the keywords you want is to have these words included in the text links to your site, and then have info about the keywords on your sites pages"

Could you rephrase that?

I've made a start. I added author, description etc, and keywords. I also put an introduction thing, containing all of my keywords, so I am hoping that will help. I am now waiting for Google to update. =)


New Member
when people link to your site, have it be a text link. Also include the keywords in that link. so it would look something like this:

<a href="">Keyword1 has the best keyword2</a>

google, yahoo, msn... they all judge your site/pages (some more than others) by the amount of high quality sites/pages that link to you. By high quality I mean related sites that they have indexed. One easy way to do this would be to alter your affiliate link to also include a small text link beneath or above that is in the format I showed you above.

This isn't quite enough though. You will also have to build your site to match those keyowrds, the search engines are smart, and they will look for those keywords on your page. A good place to start is to put the keywords in your pages title, once at the top, once in bold, etc... Just don't over do it with too many keywords, this is known as keyword stuffing. You want your page to read well to visitors, but contain keywords for the search spiders. This can be a hard mix to come up with, so if you have any doubts, just make it read well for your visitors.

The use of the above info won't really help much if you go after the most searched for keywords. The more competition your site has, the less chance anyone is going to find it through a search engine. it is best to find a niche that gets ok traffic and stick with it. Once you do well for the less searched for keywords, then you can start to go after the big ones.

There is ton's more that I could tell you, but this will get your site going in the right direction. For more info, search for: google SEO, SEO articles, etc...

wait a couple of days for google to update?

This won't happen, google takes months sometimes.

Also, don't worry so much about google, they will drive you nuts. Concentrate on building traffic as if search engines didn't exist.
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New Member
HI, Kiko about ur keyword

Hi, Kiko try this... , maybe it can help u

1. Open your page in Dreamweaver, u can use Dreamweaver MX/8 is up to u.
2. Create ur keyword first
>>in dreamweaver MX : INSERT --> Head Tags --> Keywords
>>in Dreamweaver 8 : INSERT --> HTML --> Head Tags --> Keywords
write ur keyword separated by coma, use the fammiliar word not the complex word for example :

"petron, man, handsome, from indonesia, bad english, web designer, website, internet, tutorial"

2. Create ur description.
>>in dreamweaver MX : INSERT --> Head Tags --> Description
>>in Dreamweaver 8 : INSERT --> HTML --> Head Tags --> Description
If u want the search engine like google will track ur website effectively , u must write ur description which has related word with the keyword maybe like this :

"petron is a man from indonesia, he is a handsome man and very bad in english , today he work as a web designer and his job is create websites on the internet , so why don't u try get some tutorial with him "

ok, Kiko bye