Hot News Script


New Member
I'd like to know if anyone knows how to build a news feed reader similar to the Hot News bar on Apple's website. I'm looking in the source and cannot find anything. Is it in JS or Flash?



New Member
I'm can't see a 'Hot News' section on the lick you provided, can you provide some more info ?


New Member
It's just under the main part of the page (Small talk). It's written Hot News Headlines and you have some text that appears. Though, I have found something simmilar in JavaScript. But if anyone has a tutorial for that, it'd be awesome.


New Member
If you mean it takes the most red news from your site you should build something like this:

MySQL database where the news is stored (from your site).
A field in your "database_news" which stores visits for each specific news item.
Display the most viewed news items on your homepage with an SQL query which orders by database_news.

Good luck!