Help! Footer changes from page to page


New Member
Hey y'all.

I am a student designing a six-page movie site for a final project in my web design class. I have a fairly long footer for my site. It looks great on pages that have a lot of content, but on other pages where there isn’t much content the footer sits half way up the screen. Not quite sure what I should do. Do I need to put the footer div inside a larger container?

I look forward to hearing your responses!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
"Footers" are actually meant to follow the content of a variable length medium such as HTML, it is only a fixed length print medium where a 'footer' would be in the same place on every document.

But there are the so-called "sticky footers" around if you want to bend HTML & CSS to your will rather than allowing it to work as it should.


New Member
Try to give your content a css property of min-height:700px; or a height of 95%. Or you could give your footer an absolute position of bottom:0 but that may look funny over longer pages...