I like the overall design of the site. The large text works well here, and I think the layout flows pretty well. A couple of things I'd like to note:
1. The diagonal lines used for the shadow on the index page's large text makes my eyes hurt. Not to mention, that's the only place where you use it, so I looks out of place.
2. The header and footer images...what are you trying to convey? I don't get the feeling that I want to hire you. I feel like I'm on an early morning hike. They're good images, they just don't work here.
3. On the strategy page, I like the way you've broken it down. The headers would sound better if you said either "Analysis Design Delivery" or "Analyze Design Deliver". I know it sounds nitpicky, but read them together a few times along with the way you have it and you'll see what I mean.
Parallel Structure is the term for it.
Other than that, great work here!