New Member
I have been running some FrontPage sites with LunarPages for years. Now for the first time I am looking to upload a Dreamweaver site or two to the same server / account, then eventually I want to seamlessly point some domains from the FrontPage sites to the new Dreamweaver sites. Using Dreamweaver's FTP these are the folders that were found on the server (see pic below). This threw me off because I had never seen any of these folders and files. FrontPage automatically puts all of its files in the "www" folder. When I open FrontPage it only shows the "www" folder contents. It appears as though Dreamweaver wants to put its files it the root server directory. Should I create a new folder in the root server directory (called "dreamweaver" perhaps) and upload everything Dreamweaver in there? Or should I put everything in a "dreamweaver" folder inside the "www" folder?

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