Free Software review


New Member
This list works for me because it's all freeware or open-source - no shareware - and rather than listing every possible app available I've tried to list the best for specific functionality

I'm not saying it's the best software list evar, but I'd like it to be which is why I posted asking for recommendations.


New Member
Nice idea I guess like a kinda quality control for free apps. If you use linux there is a ton of open source apps, so testing and grading all the free apps out there might be a mighty task. Good luck with that anyways. Might just be me but it seems like some of the last apps on your list dont have any description about what they do or maybe its just the way my page is scrolling. Might be an idea to include a list of what OS they work with as many free apps only work with MS or only with linux but thats a lot more work I guess.


New Member
There's nothing wrong with your browser- there are a few apps I haven't added descriptions to yet, and the <hr/>'s that are dynamically added when loaded into the content container don't display on the individual page.

The idea of listing supported OS's is a good one - while I'm not really concerned since I stick with Win32/64, it would be good for others so I'll add it to the to-do list. Thanks!


New Member
There's a ton of more stuff out there. I would be more interested if you offered a review of each site and allow viewers to leave a comment as to their experience in downloading the free software.