Getting Google to rank your page is a complex issue. There are lots of factors google will use.
If google finds a link to your page somewhere else it considers this a sort of "thumbs Up" for your page and that will increase your page rank, this is why your friend recommended using a social bookmarks site (I find I get best results from Digg).
As far as text links are concerned, you just need to add some text to your existing links, on the <a> tags on you side menu add titles:
<a [B]title="About Us"[/B] onmouseover="MM_swapImage('aboutus','','Images/link_images/aboutus1.gif',1)" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" href="aboutus.html">
Another thing to look at is create a sitemap and submit it to google. I use to create the map, then save the files it generates to the same location as your html. Once you have done this set up a google webmaster account and submit your site map, this MAY get google to index the other pages (it may just happen over time).
Another thing worth looking into is google analytics, again it's a free service from google that lets you track visitors to your site. Basically you paste a piece of code (supplied by google wen you setup your site) onto the end of each page and after a couple of days you will get statistics on the who, what, when and where of your site.