Feedbak for warcraft guild site


New Member
very nice site actually, i like that you haven't steered away from the wow theme. overall it looks good, i can only encourage you to maybe set up a bunch of icons or something to highlight the way you want to "steer" people into your site because it seems like a lot of information (especially if you scroll down).


New Member
Your website is really good! I like it. :D

However, if you could improve something, maybe something at the bottom to close the theme? It seems like it keeps going past the footer. ;)


New Member
Thank you all!

I'm not sure what you mean with icons..
I'm going to add a header over the news/blog posts, and lower the font-size a bit.
And definitely add a better footer. ( I'm thinking something with the new non-combat raptor pet or with the blizzard ui silver "eagles" from the action bar...)