Dynamic content area


New Member
I'm not sure what the correct term for it is, but all I want is simply a script that will populate a single div with content from multiple external htm files.

In other words, I have a single div area for the content and several nav buttons at the top of the page. For each nav button, I want the content in the div area to change to the respective file content.

If possible, it would be nice if this content-swapping had a fade effect to it.


New Member
I sort of have this figured out using the innerHTML attribute, apart from one glitch. Every time I make a call that changes the content, the content is displayed a little lower than the previous content. In other words, if I rapidly make calls to change the content, that contents will appear to be moving down the screen.

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. I was writing to the table rather than the cell in the table.

EDIT: New problem. Is there a way to emulate the php include() function in order to import HTML from an external file?
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