crosslinking large pages


New Member
hi all,

i have a small problem.
let me describe the issue.

there are 50 very large pages, about 3 mb each in html format.

there is a single small file, which is a glossary/dictionary.

i want to link words from the large pages to the glossary.


in the large file:
in the endocrinal gland, bile is secreted.

gland is a link, links to "glo_b.htm#bile"

there are about 400 keywords in the glossary. so it would be next to impossible to manually link them.

is there any automated way to do them, may be a script or a software??

thank you,


New Member
Is this site constantly changing? As in adding new content or editing of existing content? If so I would recommend a content management system for this site.

With a content management system you can cross link, enable search by topic or keyword, and dynamically link keywords to relevant topics.

Some examples of content management systems are: Mambo, Xoops, Postnuke, and Typo3. You can google the words "content management system" and find one that will fit your needs best.


New Member
no the content wont change much.

but i do have access to MySQL 4. and i am based on PHP. though dont know myself much.

basically, my ideal solution would be a small popup with the definition borrowed from the glossary. i can keep the glossary in a table in the database or a flat file or in any other way you want.

can javascript help?

happy new year!


New Member
I think that even to have it in a popup, you will need the database. You would have a call function to call a specific definition for a term, then open it in a new window. You may have to use java to size the window.