Color Scheme


New Member
Hello, this is my first post. I'm Sam.

I have a very basic grasp of html and css -- I know how to make a functional and fairly well-organized and kinda good-looking webpage, but at this point I am probably doing a lot of things the wrong way.

Anyway, to the point of this thread:

What I'm looking for is a walkthrough, or guide, whatever you want to call it, on deciding on a color palate for a website, or just any advice people are willing to give here.



New Member
I'm sorry, I think maybe you misunderstood what I'm asking, leroy. The link you gave is just a site that allows me to just choose colors without any guidelines or anything. All that site really offers is hex codes for a monochromatic palate, but I already know how to find those. That's not what I'm looking for.

What I'm asking for is more of a suggestion of what sort of arrangement of colors is best.

This site -- -- for example gives the following options for a color scheme, and will make one for you given a base color:
mono| complement| triad| tetrad| analogic| accented analogic

What I'm asking is more like, which of these is most optimal for a website?
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New Member
I love Kuler. It takes some of the creativity out of choosing colours but if you are in a rush it is great. It ships within the Adobe suite as well as being available online.