Can anyone make the link border disappear?


New Member
Hi guys. I'm new to Web Page Development and I've got a simple question that I need help with.

I made a jpeg image a hyperlink for my welcome page. My problem is that there's a purple border around the image now that it's a link. I've tried using style="color: black" on the anchor <a> tag as well as in the <img src> tag. I use Adobe dreamweaver and it disappears on the development environment but not when I display it on my browser. I'm not sure if it's a browser issue. Can anyone tell me if it's an issue with IE 7.0 or can anyone give me suggestions on how to make the purple border disappear..forever?!

Thanks in advance to anyone who shares his vastly superior knowledge with me. :)


New Member
external css:

img {
    border: none;

inline css:
<a href="link address"><img src="image location" style="border:none" alt="" width="" height="" /></a>

IMO external css is the better way to go. You should keep your structure and your styling separate. Makes for cleaner html.


New Member
LOL I had this problem for a while in Firefox. I had to quick fix it till I found a better solution. So I just made the image links rollovers of the same image and I didn't get a border. Glad I know better now!