Absolutely and no rebuttals, especially when it comes to referral spam. as that has been the bane of every log analyser and traffic analytical tool, even from before the Internet 'took off', and your comments do bring into focus my point regarding 'bounce rate' being meaningless without some qualifiers being included.because i know this is a valid point
Ever since Google bought out Urchin Software and morphed "Urchin" in Google Analytics; (for those who don't know that little bit of Internet Marketing history, that is where the "utm_" parameter name comes from, being an initial-ism for urchin tracking marker) their unwarranted emphasis of "overall 'bounce' rate" being pretty much the first thing you see, has probably caused more confusion of what it really means to the average site owner than anything that any marketing/SEO "expert" has ever written, maybe with the exception of most PageRank analysis articles though.