Body attribute question


New Member
In the body tag, should I be setting my bg colors and text and all that like this:
<body bgcolor="?" text="?" link="?" etc..>

or like this:

<body style="color: white; background-color: black; background-image: url(blah/blahblah.jpg);" alink="#c8ffff" link="#c8c8ff" vlink="#ffc8ff">



New Member
Technically you shouldn't do either. You should use a .css file and put your styling in it. But if you are going to use one of the two use the 'style="color: white; background-color...' method. It'll give you more constancy and make the transition to a style sheet easier....


New Member
Ok thanks. I have a video on CSS here that I am going to dig into once I am finished with the HTML one, but it is a video on I need to learn CSS first or does it matter?