Beginner question about website and video


New Member

So I need some guidance as I can't really find anything about this online. I have an empty URL. All I'm looking to do with it is have a full window video play, nothing else.

How should I go about making that happen? I'm kind of going for a viral/mysterious quality for this thing.

Does anyone know if there are any good templates out there for this? Or some easy way to do this.

I basically want something that looks just like this:



New Member
You can get JWPlayer to do that for free or google 'FLV Player' and get 100,000 ^ 10 results.

If you want it to support mobile devices, more specificially iOS devices, then use an HTML5 video player with a Flash fallback.
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HTML5 is the answer. Its got a video tag. However, browsers differ in terms of video format. So what you do is to convert your file to several formats then put it up. If the users browser accepts for example, .mp4, it recognises it and then skip the other video formats.